Friday, July 27, 2012

Evon Von: Let's talk fitness: An Interview with Lorenzo Robiso

With the Olympics less than 2 days away, I always get more excited about working out. That's why I'm super excited to bring you a new interview! In this interview you will meet Lorenzo Robiso, certified trainer and fitness nutrition coach! Enjoy!
So that my readers can get to know you, tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Lorenzo Robiso,often referred as ?Lolo? or ?Zo?. I'm a young average Joe trying not to be so average, trying to make it big and hopefully bringing along like minded individuals along with me. I am currently pursuing an education in advanced dietetics and exercise science. I love anything with coconut.

I understand that you are a certified trainer as well as a fitness nutrition coach. Was this always the path you wanted?

Fitness and health has become an integral part in my life, which began in high school through sports. I am learning tons, not only about the craft but also a lot about myself. This path has brought me nothing short of a blessed life and I don't expect to ever turn my back on it.

How long have you been training and coaching others?
This year (2012) I was able to obtain my certifications whilst under the wing of my current trainers for the past year.

What about health and fitness interests you?

The ability of health and fitness to change peoples lives for the better. It has to mine and I only wish to give to people what it has given me. Not only is health a necessity but that health and fitness can provide an improved health, a stronger mind, and a never ceasing flow of energy. It's a journey that will only end once you do. It can provide a way of focusing that can be used outside of training for all aspects of life.

Are there any "rules" that you live by as far as health goes?
To practice and constantly improve my mental state first and foremost. The mental attitude is the one thing that everyone owns and has complete control of. I can say that my physical and spiritual state has been rooted to how I choose to think and such will decide on how I end up approaching any proceedings.

To perform constant reflection periods to appropriately face adversity to prevent myself from walking aimlessly or ending up lost when facing an obstacle.

As a trainer, are there any pet peeves that you have?

Not any more than the usual individual might have like schedules not working out, forgetting something...the usual.
The only pet peeve I have is when people lack self accountability and are quick to look for an excuse. Otherwise, I try not to worry about little things.

For a lot of people (myself included) diet seems to be the? downfall. How do you approach this?

This seems to be the most challenging with many and I have to deal with this issue myself. Lots of research and listening to the body are the best approaches. Diet doesn't have to be a burden, there are tons of recipes and delicious foods out there that are healthy. Always explore and try new things!

I know that you are a busy guy, how do you deal with a busy schedule and stay motivated?

Proper planning and scheduling. I have a planner everywhere I go and multiple at that, from electronic to paper.?I look for motivation in other aspiring individuals in fitness and by choosing to surround myself with people who have been supportive throughout all the sacrifices I had to make. It's easiest when I 'm with those who do not inflict any influence on me that could dismay me from my goals. I choose to surround myself with those who are positive thinkers and are determined towards creating something of themselves.

What is the most rewarding part for you as a trainer and coach?
Everybody has a potential for something, and whatever that is, it should be shared.Bad habits and a poor lifestyle can get in the way of this and I can't stand to see someone who is capable of achievement fall short. My goal is to help another realize their potential, and even if it's just the slightest bit, then I am fulfilling my purpose. I decided I would assist individuals with their health towards a better quality life and hopefully in doing so, they can inspire and motivate the people in their lives to do the same. That will be more than enough of a reward for me and I will be committed to anyone as much as they are willing to commit with me.?

What is the most challenging part?

Juggling schedules with training clients, my own training, studying, and time to spend with family and friends.
I used to think I would miss out? on a lot. Trading nights of entertainment for nights of preparation and rest for next morning's early challenges, but I have found a community through all of this and I am meeting a ton of new people. I wouldn't trade it for anything else and I refuse to let anything get in the way of what I'm essentially working towards and for the people I'm working for.

Have you ever participated in any competitions? If not, is that something you would ever want to do?

Expect something big in the near future. I believe in competition as I believe it truly brings out our true character and characteristics in us that we may have never encountered before.

Any advice or tips that you would like to share with us?

I am always told by my coach, ?Think about? the choices that you are about to make and how it may or may not deviate you from what you're ultimately working towards?.

Goals will always change, do not let minor mishaps consume you. Instead, constantly raise and focus more on your standards. Your standards will eventually become your way of thinking and essential practices. Have integrity in whatever you are setting out to do because it will always be worth it to say ?I am now headed where I had not only hoped for, but worked for?.

?No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained byit? Hebrews 12:11

Are you ready to be motivate? Would you like to learn more about Lorenzo? Be sure and follow him on twitter @irenzR


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