Sunday, December 25, 2011

Breastfeeding Reduces Childhood Obesity, Diabetes Risk (ContributorNetwork)

Children who are breastfed through age 18 months have healthier growth patterns and reduced incidence of diabetes and obesity, says a new study from Denmark. Here are findings from this study about breastfeeding child health benefits and implications for parenting.

Current maternal breastfeeding habits

The Center for Disease Control recommends that mothers breastfeed babies exclusively for at least the first six months of life. After that age, parents usually begin to supplement breast milk with solid foods or other milk. Only about 25 percent of mothers are breastfeeding exclusively after six months.

Breastfeeding and infant growth

The Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Copenhagen Professor study set out to determine if mothers who breastfed longer had babies with healthier weight gain patterns. Study author Dr. Kim Fleischer Michaelsen, explains, "It is well-known that children who are breastfed grow slightly more slowly than children who are given formula, and it looks as if this growth pattern is optimal because it reduces the risk of developing lifestyle diseases later in life."

Breastfeeding beyond six months

The study demonstrated that mothers who breastfed beyond age six months and up to 18 months were able to keep their children's' IGF-I growth hormone and insulin levels down. They found that the longer a mother breastfed her child, the lower the child's weight. Breastfed children had a lower risk of becoming obese as they grew older. Lower insulin levels in breastfed babies mean lower risk for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, too. Study authors concluded that mothers should consider breastfeeding children exclusively rather than supplementing with formula or other milk. They recommend that mothers breastfeed children beyond age six months and up to age 18 months healthy growth patterns.

Child sleep patterns affect weight gain

The study revealed that other parent habits affect weight gain in toddlers, too. Children who slept more had smaller waist sizes and less belly fat. Study authors suggested that parents should set healthy sleep schedules for children and encourage napping.

Maternal weight gain affects child weight gain

Mothers who gained a great deal of weight during pregnancy gave birth to children with thicker layers of fat than the children of mothers with normal weight gain, the study found. Mayo Clinic sets recommended weight gain for expectant women based on BMI (body mass index). Underweight women (BMI below 18.5) should gain 25-40 pounds. Women of normal weight (18.5-24.9 BMI) should gain 25-35 pounds. Overweight women (BMI 25-29.9) should gain 15-25 pounds and obese women with BMIs over 30 should only gain 11-20 pounds.

Marilisa Kinney Sachteleben writes about parenting from 23 years raising four children and 25 years teaching K-8, special needs, adult education and homeschool.


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